The Wellness Tap is a monthly tapping membership designed just for YOU, to bring balance, peace, and relief to your life.

*Jam-packed with incredible, easy-to-follow tapping resources
created by EFT/Tapping expert Dr. Jill Wener, MD.

*Manage stress and increase your inner calm with quick, effective,
and evidence-based guided tapping meditations.

*Empower yourself to navigate situations such as burnout, relationship issues, pain, insomnia and more!
Start Relieving Stress Now

Learn About The Wellness Tap

Does this sound like you?

  • You've tried deep breathing

    but it's not specific and doesn't address the root of the issue.

  • You've tried counting to 10

    but this doesn't help you define why you're having a negative experience so it keeps coming back.

  • You've attempted meditation or visualization

    but there's a steep learning curve and you need to practice regularly to see measurable benefits.

You're not alone. Tapping is different.

And it can give you the results you've been looking for.

*Tapping addresses specific stressors in your life, often getting to the root of the problem

*It gives you insight into recurring negative patterns in your life

*It's easy to do and has almost NO learning curve

*No need to take on a whole new practice. Tapping can be practiced regularly or 'as-needed', with the same great results.

What is Tapping?

Tapping (also known as the Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT), is a powerful, evidence-based stress-reduction and healing technique that uses the same meridians (or energy centers) as acupuncture.

➡️ By tapping on these meridians, you can induce profound changes in the brain and nervous system.

➡️ Because it decreases cortisol levels and sends calming signals to the hippocampus and amygdala (the stress center of your brain), tapping will help to rewire your brain's habitual response to stressful triggers.

➡️ Tapping is easy to do, with little to no side effects, and you'll experience incredible, lasting benefits quickly (often immediately).

➡️ 'The Wellness Tap' takes these benefits to the next level by focusing on the specific stressors, situations, and emotions that are part of your everyday life.

Why Join
The Wellness Tap?

Get access to a library of customized tapping videos and resources that will transform your approach to wellness and stress relief.

  • On-demand stress reduction when you need it most

  • Get new perspective on challenging situations while improving connection to your intuition

  • Well-organized tools ‘on tap’ for any situation

  • Take the guesswork out of stress reduction!

  • Get stress relief immediately, without having to take on a new daily practice

Revolutionize Your Approach To Stress

You're ready for something different. On your time.

Get started now

What others have said:

Boy oh Boy, talk about divine intervention. I got up with extreme back pain. Did the video and the decrease in my pain and attitude was remarkable. I have stayed in the best mood all day in spite of of COVID. I feel as though a dark cloud has lifted.” -D.M. Chicago, IL

Thank you! I used this last night after dealing with a lot of family stress, and am sharing with a client who is coping with a lot of fear and uncertainty in getting ready for a medical procedure.” -Jen R, Atlanta, GA

Brilliant! So well demonstrated and such a practical tool. I used it this morning after breakfast and found myself in a much more peaceful place.” -Shaun M, Sydney, Australia

"The vibrations of this tapping session keep rippling through my days. I'm still trying to understand how to balance feeling emotions in a healthy way (ie not ignoring or numbing out to them, but also not being consumed/victimized by them) and this helps so much." 
-Rachel M, Macon, GA

Join The Wellness Tap

Your subscription includes full access to a jam-packed tapping resource library, plus discounts and bonuses on other tapping resources.

Get started now for just $47 per month

What's included with your Wellness Tap membership:

  • A library of stress-busting tapping sequences, short enough to fit into the nooks and crannies of your busy life

  • Free access to the 'Tap In: How to Create Your Own Foolproof Tapping Sequence' online course ($59 value)

  • $200 off all 1:1 tapping packages with Dr. Jill *or* $75 off your first single tapping session

  • Built-in accountability tools to help you get the most of our your membership

Real-life results with tapping:

"Thank you so so so so much!!! This session is really staying with me today, I feel like it was an incredible breakthrough for me. You truly are an amazing teacher and I could not recommend this group more."
-Leslie K, Omaha, NE

"I tapped on avoiding balancing my checkbook. I wanted to get food for lunch instead of feeling unsuccessful with banking. After the 2nd round got it to 1/10. I was able to do the banking and made lunch afterward!"
-Barbara G., Raleigh, NC

"(After tapping I) feel more open, relaxed, more acceptance. I could picture my experience more objectively." -Nneka I, Washington, DC.

"OMG Jill. It IS magic! Blimey. I tapped on irritability at having had breast cancer treatment, so really quite specific (and low expectations). But it sure works!" -Elyse S, London, England

Also included:

Tap In: How to Create Your Own Foolproof Tapping Sequence

Ready to heal from trauma, have healthier relationships, release your self-limiting beliefs, and manifest the life you've always wanted? Tapping expert Jill Wener, MD will teach you to empower yourself with the life-changing technique of tapping. ($59 value)
Access The Wellness Tap Now

The Ever-Growing List Of Tapping Topics

The more specific you get, the better tapping works!

  • 1

    Welcome (Start Here)

    • Welcome To The Wellness Tap
    • You Are Not Alone: Please Watch Before Getting Started!
  • 2

    Your Resources

    • How to access your tapping resources
    • The Wellness Tap Tapping Tracker
  • 3


    • Letting Go of Childhood Animosity Towards Someone
    • Loneliness
    • Shame: Not Being A Good Enough Partner
    • Resentment About Not Doing Household Duties
    • When Your Boundaries Aren't Being Respected- Anger, Frustration, Resentment, and more
    • Anxiety Because of Problems in the Relationship
    • Frustration That You Can't Change Them
    • Apologies Part 1: Coping with the Shame and Defensiveness
    • Apologies Part 2: Facing Your Fear
    • Caught in the Middle: Setting Boundaries
  • 4


    • Overwhelm About World Events
    • Helplessness about everything that is going wrong
    • Feeling Trapped
    • Fatigue and Being Spread Too Thin
    • Feeling Unheard and Unappreciated
    • Too Burned Out To Dream
  • 5

    Work Related

    • Dealing With Negative Feedback When You Know They’re Right
    • Dealing With Negative/Constructive Feedback That You Don’t Agree With
    • Anger At Your Boss
    • Frustration About Work Life Balance
    • Experiencing Microaggressions
    • Anxiety About Promotions and Career Growth
    • Imposter Syndrome
    • Frustration About Your Time Not Being Respected
    • Anger About Being Taken For Granted
  • 6


    • The Story We Tell
    • What My Body Is Telling Me
    • Tapping On Physical Pain
    • The Emotions Because Of The Pain
    • The Emotion Behind The Pain
  • 7


    • Vulnerability Hangover
    • Getting Back Into The World During COVID
    • Something Bad Happening To Someone You Love
    • About Something You Said
    • About Money
    • About News And World Events
    • Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO)
  • 8


    • Anxiety and Worry About Someone Else’s Decisions
    • Frustration About Kids' Behavior
    • Feeling Trapped Without Time For Yourself
    • Guilt/Shame About Something That Happened To Your Kid
    • Anxiety About Something Bad Happening To Your Kids/Parents/Friends/Pets
    • Guilt/Shame About Something You Said To Your Kids
    • Frustration With A Partner Not Sharing Responsibilities
  • 9


    • Disappointment
    • Buffering (aka doing anything else that will help you avoid what you are feeling or should be doing)
    • Decision Making Paralysis
    • Anxiety About A Presentation
    • My Brain Is Fried
  • 10

    Holiday Stress

    • Overwhelmed by Holiday Logistical Stress
    • Guilt and Shame About Holiday Expectations
    • Feeling Left Out and Cut Off During Holidays
    • Triggered By Family Trauma
    • Loneliness
    • Different Politics
    • Financial Stress
    • Missing Family
    • Frustration at Plans Being Cancelled
    • Managing The Post-Holiday Blues
    • New Years Resolution Empowerment Guide
    • How To Manage Feelings Around New Years Resolutions
  • 11

    Social Justice and Finding Your Power

    • Overcoming Resistance
    • Feeling Undeserving
    • Taming Your Inner Control Freak
    • Dealing With Your Inner Critic
    • Connecting With Your Intuition
    • Shame About Something I Did In the Past
    • Dealing with Horrible Things Happening in the World
    • Speaking Your Truth
    • Being Mistreated At A Restaurant
    • Outside The Comfort Zone: Fear That They’ll Laugh At Me
    • Outside The Comfort Zone: Anxiety About Failure
    • Feeling Defensive
    • Feeling Activated/Triggered
    • Shame About Something You Said
  • 12

    Mind-Body Connection

    • Calming Down When Upset or Triggered
    • When You Feel The Emotions In Your Body
    • When The Emotions Are Too Much
  • 13

    Health and Sleep

    • Fear and Uncertainty While Waiting for Test Results
    • Processing a New Medical Diagnosis
    • Anxiety About a Medical Procedure
    • Sleep Tapping: Menopause
    • How To Tap For Insomnia: The Basics
    • Tapping For Insomnia: Guided Sequence
  • 14

    Additional Tapping Resources

    • How To Tap Through New Emotions As They Come Up While Tapping
    • How to Avoid Toxic Positivity with Tapping
    • How to ‘Infuse the Positive’ Into Your Tapping Sequence
  • 15

    Tapping with Kids

    • Intro To Tapping For Kids
    • Tapping For Younger Kids
    • Tapping For Older Kids
    • Tapping For Kids: Goal Setting and Limiting Beliefs
  • 16

    Tapping for ADHD

    • Rejection and Shame for Kids With (or Without) ADHD
    • Rejection and Shame for Older Kids and Adults With (or Without) ADHD
    • Flustered and Overwhelmed for Kids With (or Without) ADHD
    • Flustered and Overwhelmed for Older Kids and Adults With (or Without) ADHD
  • 17

    Grief and Loss

    • Grief: Feeling powerless
    • Grief: Sadness
    • Grief: Feeling guilty

Meet Your Instructor

Dr. Jill Wener
A nationally-renowned expert in physician wellness, Jill has published several articles on KevinMD, led physician wellness programs around the country, and lectured at the national level on stress and the benefits of meditation and tapping. She has been interviewed on multiple TV and radio shows as well as podcasts (in the medical community and beyond).

In addition to her online and in-person meditation and tapping programs, Jill leads meditation retreats all over the world. Jill is a best-selling author, the host of the Conscious Anti-Racism podcast, and she facilitates live and online anti-racism trainings with her partner, Dr. Maiysha Clairborne.

Jill strongly believes that there is no 'quick fix'; no singular technique can address all of the physical and emotional challenges of today's society. When she discovered tapping at a conference for women physicians in 2017 and began using it herself, she was amazed at how well it complemented her meditation practice and helped her to let go of long-held limiting beliefs.

She became a tapping practitioner in 2019, and finds tremendous joy facilitating incredible growth and benefits with her tapping clients. Jill is a loving aunt of her incredible niece and nephew, and she became a step-mom in 2020.

Listen to that inner voice.

It's time to make a change, and The Wellness Tap will help you get there.

Join The Wellness Tap Now


  • What is tapping? Is it the same as EFT or the Emotional Freedom Technique?

    Tapping, otherwise known as the Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT, is a powerful evidence-based stress-reduction and healing technique that uses the same meridians as acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (without the needles!). By tapping on these meridians, you can induce profound changes in the brain and nervous system, which can help you reach your physical and emotional goals.

  • How can tapping benefit me?

    Tapping can help you manage stress, decrease anxiety and overwhelm, process trauma and PTSD, address self-limiting beliefs, understand emotional eating, process difficult emotions, improve (or eliminate!) acute and chronic physical pain, resolve phobias, improve your personal and professional relationships, manifest the life you want to create for yourself, make major life decisions, and more!

  • I’ve never tapped before. Will that keep me from benefiting from this program?

    All levels of tapping experience are welcome! When you join, you’ll receive a video explaining the basics of tapping, and then you’ll hit the ground running. One of the things we love about tapping is that you don’t have to have any experience at all in order to benefit from it. There is basically zero learning curve.

  • Do I have to practice tapping outside of this program in order to benefit from it?

    The short answer: nope! You can get benefits from doing just 1 guided tapping meditation. If you practice on a regular basis, you’ll get even more benefits, but a regular/consistent practice is not a requirement.

  • What if I want to cancel my membership?

    You can cancel at any time! Billing starts on the day you register, so as long as you cancel before your next payment, you won’t pay extra. We are not able to offer prorated memberships.

  • I don’t have a lot of time to take care of myself. What will the time commitment be?

    We understand what it’s like to be busy taking care of everyone else but you. Our guided tapping sessions are as short as 10-15 minutes, and they are available for you to watch at any time.

A life with less stress is waiting.

It's time to claim it.
Pay monthly, no commitments.

Register now